SPN 7 Par Letter & Course Expectations

Parent Letter 

August 12, 2019


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Below you will find an outline of the class expectations and important course information for M/J Spanish AVD. The goal is that we are working together as a team to ensure the best educational environment possible. Therefore, please take the time to discuss this information with your son/daughter.  

We anticipate your son/daughter having a successful and productive year in the study of Spanish. To ensure a positive experience, it is important to maintain good attendance, good conduct and be consistent in completion of daily assignments.  Homework assignments offer the opportunity for additional practice and are a check for understanding. The weekly assignments are posted on the website for either the current or the coming week to allow for students to work at their own pace to complete assignments on their due dates.  We know that you want the best for your son/daughter and, hopefully, you will agree with the expectations listed.  

The National Spanish Exam will be given in the spring of 2020. The cost of the exam is $7 and we would appreciate your donation for it by check made payable to Pine View School.  We were so pleased with the scores last year and some of the students were pleased even more with their monetary prize!  Please send the check by Friday, August 23. Thank you.

After reviewing this information with your son/daughter, both of you should sign and return only the bottom portion of the last page.  Keep this information for your future reference. Your signatures indicate that you understand the procedures.



Mrs. Pauling

M/J Spanish Advanced Gifted

7th Grade Spanish Course Information       Sra. Pauling    2019

 The topics covered in Realidades are focused upon a specific theme and provide an opportunity to communicate in real life situations.  During this year you will construct language by moving from words to phrases and finally to paragraphs.  Grammar will be presented in each lesson to increase your ability to express your ideas coherently.  The skills of reading and writing will also be developed and finally, cultural topics will be integrated throughout each lesson.  The activities will blend different forms of communication and culture to ensure that all required standards are met by the students.  Quarterly projects will also be assigned for class presentation.  These projects individual as well as group presentations.  Units 5A-7A will be covered during the first term and Units 7B-9B during the second term.


  1. Students are expected to adhere to all classroom rules as outlined on the first day of school.  Failure to do so will result in consequences communicated on the first day of school.
  2. Students are expected to adhere to and be familiar with Pine View policies regarding tardiness, attendance, academic honesty and grading as stated in the Pine View Student Handbook.
  3. Check the board in the classroom and my homework website daily for all assignments.
  4. All homework papers and assessments must be legible.  Please write in blue/black ink or pencil.


The use of a language translator or copying and pasting passages into an internet translating site is a form of cheating.  The assignments given to you can always be completed with your textbook, notes from class and concepts already learned.  Their purpose is for you to use and practice the language.  Also, copying from a neighbors test is cheating and will result in a “0”.  Additionally, working “together” on a project/assignment does not mean that two identical papers are handed in.  This too will result in a “0”.


Cell phones may be used for instructional purposes only.  Students will be directed by the teacher when to take out and put away their device as needed.  At all other times, cell phones and ear buds should not be visible during instructional time.  Unauthorized cell phone use during class may result in a discipline referral.


Realidades B – textbook and workbook, as well as audio workbook.


1 three-subject HARD Cover Five Star spiral notebook; 5 Red Pens to have at all times; Spanish/English dictionary (for home use).


All tests will be administered on Thursdays throughout the school year.

Your grade will be based on the following:  Assessments 65%, Homework 20% and Participation/Projects 15%.  Late homework will be reduced by 30%.

Grades and attendance can be accessed through ESD Gradebook.


I can be contacted by calling Pine View School at 941-486-2001 or email judit.pauling@sarasotacountyschools.net Room 303

All assignments, news and this information can be found on my website which can be accessed through Pine View School’s website.  I am available at 1:00 p.m. for additional help.  Please make an appointment with me regarding the date and time.



After reading the course information above, sign, detach and return this portion acknowledging that you have read it, understand it and accept the policies and procedures listed within this document.  Thank you.


Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________Student Signature___________________Date_______

Parent/Guardian Print Name_________________________Student Print Name______________________________